Packaging Innovation
Stain Remover POPS
up to Save the Day
Dealing with stains when on the go can be extremely frustrating as there are very few truly convenient and effective solutions available to consumers. GlobalData takes a look at a new time-saving solution packaged in handy individual pods
The Dr Beckmann brand in Austria and Germany has taken on the challenge of fiddly and time consuming stain removal tasks with the newly launched Fleck Weg! Push & Wipe stain removal wipes.
Each two-piece injection-moulded clear plastic pod contains a compressed dry wipe at the centre and a dose of stain-removing liquid that is kept separate in a surrounding chamber.
The wipe is only wetted at point of use by pressing firmly on the top of the pod to push apart the two sections of the pack. This opens up the inner wall of the pod, allowing the liquid to soak into the wipe, which then expands vertically and quickly pops up, ready to be taken out for use by the consumer.
The unusual, innovative format is overtly communicated on the pack
The pods are sold in a blister card pack of three and the unusual, innovative format is overtly communicated on the pack with clear instructions for use provided in text and pictorial form.
The individual pods are small enough to be carried easily in a handbag or kept in the car or desk at work, so that they are readily to hand for dealing with troublesome stains like coffee drips, spilled sandwich fillings and make-up smudges.
"This convenient pack format really does offer consumers a quick, hassle-free, and highly portable means of treating clothing stains," comments Gemma Hill, lead packaging analyst for GlobalData.
"Activating the pod only when you are ready to use it means there is never a problem with the wipes drying out, the whole process takes only ten seconds, and there is no need to rinse with water after use.
"I love the way that the pop-up format brings an element of fun and a sense of magic that almost seems to convince you of the product's effectiveness."

Credit: Delta Pronatura
The Dr Beckmann brand in Austria and Germany has taken on the challenge of fiddly and time consuming stain removal tasks with the newly launched Fleck Weg! Push & Wipe stain removal wipes.
Each two-piece injection-moulded clear plastic pod contains a compressed dry wipe at the centre and a dose of stain-removing liquid that is kept separate in a surrounding chamber.
The wipe is only wetted at point of use by pressing firmly on the top of the pod to push apart the two sections of the pack. This opens up the inner wall of the pod, allowing the liquid to soak into the wipe, which then expands vertically and quickly pops up, ready to be taken out for use by the consumer.
The unusual, innovative format is overtly communicated on the pack
The pods are sold in a blister card pack of three and the unusual, innovative format is overtly communicated on the pack with clear instructions for use provided in text and pictorial form. The individual pods are small enough to be carried easily in a handbag or kept in the car or desk at work, so that they are readily to hand for dealing with troublesome stains like coffee drips, spilled sandwich fillings and make-up smudges.
"This convenient pack format really does offer consumers a quick, hassle-free, and highly portable means of treating clothing stains," comments Gemma Hill, lead packaging analyst for GlobalData.
"Activating the pod only when you are ready to use it means there is never a problem with the wipes drying out, the whole process takes only ten seconds, and there is no need to rinse with water after use.
"I love the way that the pop-up format brings an element of fun and a sense of magic that almost seems to convince you of the product's effectiveness."

Credit: Delta Pronatura